Monday, October 31, 2011 Perchè la Norvegia non ha "debito pubblico"? Perchè la Norvegia non ha "debito pubblico"?: La Norvegia non ha debito pubblico, perchè: 1 - Non ha aderito all'euro. La moneta Norvegese è la Corona. 2 - Non ha privatizzato le azi...
Bambina di 2 anni investita in Cina: i passanti fanno finta di nente VIDEO SHOCK
E' morta Yueye, la bambina cinese di due anni che circa una settimana fa era stata investita da due auto e lasciata per strada per diverso tempo senza essere soccorsa, suscitando un mare di polemiche. Lo hanno indicato i medici dell'ospedale dove la piccola era stata ricoverata e dove per sette giorni è rimasta in terapia intensiva. Nonostante tutti gli sforzi le ferite riportate, soprattutto quelle alla testa, erano troppo gravi e Yueye non ce l'ha fatta.
Nei giorni scorsi la notizia dell'incidente aveva suscitato numerose polemiche, anche su internet. Era stata sottolineata soprattutto l'apatia e l'indifferenza dei cinesi in quanto nessuno si era fermato per soccorrere la bimba ormai priva di conoscenza. L'incidente si era verificato 13 ottobre nei pressi di un mercato a Foshan, nella provincia sud orientale del Guangdong, quando un suv bianco aveva investito la bambina.
La piccola, scaraventata sulla strada, non era stata soccorsa da nessuno ed era anzi stata nuovamente investita da una seconda auto, come si è visto nelle immagini riprese da una telecamera di sorveglianza. Solo dopo diversi minuti, una donna aveva soccorso la bimba e l'aveva portata in ospedale. La piccola era figlia di lavoratori migranti. Poco dopo l'incidente la polizia aveva annunciato di aver arrestato i due autisti. Le forze dell'ordine chiedono le dimissioni del go... Le forze dell'ordine chiedono le dimissioni del go...:
A 150 anni dall’Unità d’Italia passando dal Regno alla Repubblica e con una serie di guerre mondiali all’interno della storia italiana,non ...era mai capitato che i rappresentanti sindacali delle forze dell’ordine protestassero e chiedessero apertamente le dimissioni di questo governo.
E quella presa in giro continua che infastidisce,e in quel ridurre tutto a un gioco,e in quel raccontare ipocrita e pieno di retorica,in quel fare false promesse e agire esattamente al contrario, in quell’usare le persone per miserabili fini personali, in quel portare continuamente divisioni e lavorare per lo sfascio del paese, in quell’alimentare odio per creare distrazioni di massa usando le forze dell’ordine, la manifestazione del 15, per come è stata organizzata, voleva consegnare , mentre il Ministro leghista non si è nemmeno degnato di essere presente in città per seguire l’andamento, e non parliamo di un torneo di bocce.
Molti poliziotti hanno denunciato la malafede degli organizzatori politici, che hanno pensato alla loro zona rossa e a quelle 40 vittime sacrificali tra le forze dell’ordine che dovevano essere ostaggi di eventuali provocatori.
A Reggio Calabria le segreterie provinciali dei maggiori sindacati di Polizia hanno manifestato in Piazza Italia.
Per Piero Gabriele Segretario UGL Polizia di Stato:
“ La nostra mobilitazione si rende necessaria perché il governo negli ultimi tre anni non ha tenuto fede ai vari impegni presi, riducendo i comparti sicurezza e soccorso pubblico sul lastrico; appena tre giorni fa l’esecutivo ha tagliato altri 60 milioni di euro, nell’ambito del ddl stabilità, alle voci di bilancio destinate all’ordine pubblico e alle missioni”.
Michele Granatiero Segretario Regionale del Sap invece denuncia le responsabilità del Governo:
"In un periodo di grave crisi economica come quello che stiamo vivendo, non avremmo voluto chiedere un contributo economico ai cittadini, ma siamo davvero arrivati a non avere il necessario per poter lavorare ed offrire sicurezza, in momenti di crisi economica e sociale, come quello attuale, i comparti sicurezza e difesa vengono, in genere, maggiormente sostenuti, anche dal punto di vista finanziario, il governo in carica invece ha fallito anche in questo elementare compito istituzionale”.
Il segretario regionale del Coisp Calabria dopo gli scontri di Roma punta l’indice sull’inefficienza del Governo e in un comunicato afferma:
"Le uniche forme di solidarietà che possiamo accettare sono le dimissioni dell'esecutivo Berlusconi e dei parlamentari che lo sostengono. Il resto sono solo sterili affermazioni di chi continua a pugnalare alle spalle i poliziotti, con scelte di governo irresponsabili. Il sindacato indipendente e autonomo di polizia della Calabria, esprime sostegno ai colleghi che ieri hanno dovuto operare a Roma in una condizione di assoluta difficoltà, per colpa di un Governo irresponsabile anche sotto il profilo dell’ordine e della sicurezza pubblica, considerato, tra l’altro, che solo pochi giorni fa ha tagliato 60 milioni di euro a questo comparto, mentre domani gli agenti di polizia dovranno operare per un’ altra manifestazione nazionale di protesta in programma a Roma – senza nemmeno le attrezzature danneggiate sabato e non sostituite”.
E dopo la Polizia un duro attacco alla casta al Governo e al Premier viene fatto dall’organo di rappresentanza delle forze armate, il Cocer.
In un documento fatto dalla rappresentanza sindacale dell’esercito si legge:
“ I militari, non hanno più fiducia nel governo" e definiscono "fallimentare la gestione del sistema Difesa del Paese da parte del gabinetto del ministro La Russa e, di riflesso, del governo Berlusconi auspicandone la caduta:
"Solo in tal modo - sostengono i militari - si potrà evitare il consolidarsi di ulteriori provvedimenti punitivi che, aggiunti a quelli già approvati e già giudicati irresponsabili dal personale militare, determinerebbero nei fatti la morte della peculiarità e della specificità della condizione militare, nonchè dei diritti rappresentativi conquistati con sacrificio negli ultimi anni".
Come dicevo prima nei 150 anni di storia d’Italia non era mai successo che tutti i rappresentanti delle forze dell’ordine insieme protestassero così vibratamente e il Cocer Carabinieri rincara la dose e il primo a raccogliere l’invito a dimettersi è La Russa, anche se non viene mai nominato :
"Il governo taglia sulla sicurezza, ma non si dimentica di finanziare la festa delle Forze Armate del prossimo 4 novembre. È questo - continua - un governo impegnato a salvaguardare l'apparenza più che la sostanza: si sa, le foto ricordo durante queste manifestazioni possono valere più di cento parole, facendo percepire agli ignari cittadini una vicinanza al comparto sicurezza e difesa, di fatto inesistente! Con i tagli alle spese dell'ordine e sicurezza pubblica, il governo ha infatti dimostrato tutti i limiti della sua azione. Alla nostra classe politica non interessa che durante questi servizi il Carabiniere il più delle volte non mangi, oppure lavori dodici ore continuative senza percepire straordinario e in condizioni a dir poco aberranti come ampiamente hanno dimostrato le immagini dei violenti scontri di piazza. A loro interessa solo tagliare le spese per questi servizi. Siamo nel pieno ciclone alimentato da una classe politica che pensa più che a salvaguardare, ad aumentare i propri privilegi. Ci chiediamo quali spese verranno tolte dal bilancio statale, visto che siamo già altamente maltrattati".
E dopo, senza tanti giri di parole, la rappresentanza sindacale attacca il Governo:
”I Carabinieri sono stanchi di sottacere e di subire le imposizioni di un governo che continua imperterrito a penalizzarli economicamente per giustificare i propri sprechi (auto blu con scorta, autisti/maggiordomi, segretari, vigilanze) e che continua a chieder loro sacrifici economici. Oggi abbiamo un dato di fatto oggettivo: la sicurezza per l'italiano è gravemente compromessa. Garantire sicurezza, per i Carabinieri vuol dire lavorare gratis, per i nostri amabili parlamentari vuol dire aumento di servizi di esclusiva utilità gratuiti perché pagati con i sacrifici dei cittadini tutti e con i tagli ai servitori dello Stato garanti dell'ordine e della sicurezza pubblica”
E a questo punto anche Berlusconi non viene risparmiato dalle critiche:
”Qualcuno spieghi al presidente del Consiglio il significato dei sacrifici che il Carabiniere fa per garantire la giustizia sociale ed i diritti del cittadino. I Carabinieri rimandano al governo le belle parole ed i ringraziamenti ipocriti.”
Nessuno e dico nessuno poteva immaginare una cosa del genere ,che oltre alla polizia carabinieri e forze armate tutti e dico tutti protestassero così vibratamente nei confronti di un Governo.
Poi tutte queste notizie sono state oscurate dall’informazione di Regime; la Rai Mediaset e tutti i giornali del Premier ,non parlano di questo, va contro l’etica del pensiero positivo, e per chiudere in bellezza allego il comunicato stampa del Cocer delle forze armate che fa capire in maniera molto chiara quello che pensano i militari dei nostri governanti.
Consiglio centrale di rappresentanza
comparto difesa
comunicato stampa
Cocer: i militari delle forze armate non hanno più fiducia nel governo
Roma, 20 ott. 2011 - I cocer delle forze armate, esercito marina e aeronautica, ritenuta necessaria una sintesi sulla attuale situazione politica giudicano fallimentare la gestione del sistema di difesa del paese da parte del gabinetto dell’on. La Russa e di riflesso del governo Berlusconi auspicandone la caduta.
Infatti, solo in tal modo, si potrà evitare il consolidarsi di ulteriori provvedimenti punitivi che aggiunti a quelli già approvati e già giudicati irresponsabili dal personale militare determinerebbero nei fatti la morte della peculiarità e della specificità della condizione militare, nonché dei diritti rappresentativi conquistati con sacrificio negli ultimi anni e peggio il deterioramento del quadro giuridico ed economico che si ricorda ha costituito in passato non uno status di casta ma la giusta moneta ricompensante gli atti svolti in modo diuturno dai soldati, dai marinai e dagli avieri e che ricomprendono, per memoria della establishment politica e politica militare, gli estremi sacrifici.
La rappresentanza militare, facendosi portavoce di tutte le donne e gli uomini in servizio stanchi di sottacere e di subire imposizioni draconiane, non attenderà fermo ed inerte e non esiterà, sempre nel rispetto della legalità, ad operare le dovute scelte per tutelare compiutamente e in primis la dignità morale, giuridica ed economica dei portatori d’interesse che nonostante tutto indossano la divisa e cantano orgogliosamente l’inno di Mameli.
Riteniamo sia necessario una conferenza stampa che, attraverso un confronto in pubblico anche utilizzando i media televisivi al governo piu’ consoni, i cittadini italiani siano informati delle implicazioni che i prefigurati tagli produrranno in termini di sicurezza interna ed esterna del paese sia sugli operatori che su i cittadini stessi ove cio’ non avvenga in tempi brevi si provvederà in proprio.
A 150 anni dall’Unità d’Italia passando dal Regno alla Repubblica e con una serie di guerre mondiali all’interno della storia italiana,non ...era mai capitato che i rappresentanti sindacali delle forze dell’ordine protestassero e chiedessero apertamente le dimissioni di questo governo.
E quella presa in giro continua che infastidisce,e in quel ridurre tutto a un gioco,e in quel raccontare ipocrita e pieno di retorica,in quel fare false promesse e agire esattamente al contrario, in quell’usare le persone per miserabili fini personali, in quel portare continuamente divisioni e lavorare per lo sfascio del paese, in quell’alimentare odio per creare distrazioni di massa usando le forze dell’ordine, la manifestazione del 15, per come è stata organizzata, voleva consegnare , mentre il Ministro leghista non si è nemmeno degnato di essere presente in città per seguire l’andamento, e non parliamo di un torneo di bocce.
Molti poliziotti hanno denunciato la malafede degli organizzatori politici, che hanno pensato alla loro zona rossa e a quelle 40 vittime sacrificali tra le forze dell’ordine che dovevano essere ostaggi di eventuali provocatori.
A Reggio Calabria le segreterie provinciali dei maggiori sindacati di Polizia hanno manifestato in Piazza Italia.
Per Piero Gabriele Segretario UGL Polizia di Stato:
“ La nostra mobilitazione si rende necessaria perché il governo negli ultimi tre anni non ha tenuto fede ai vari impegni presi, riducendo i comparti sicurezza e soccorso pubblico sul lastrico; appena tre giorni fa l’esecutivo ha tagliato altri 60 milioni di euro, nell’ambito del ddl stabilità, alle voci di bilancio destinate all’ordine pubblico e alle missioni”.
Michele Granatiero Segretario Regionale del Sap invece denuncia le responsabilità del Governo:
"In un periodo di grave crisi economica come quello che stiamo vivendo, non avremmo voluto chiedere un contributo economico ai cittadini, ma siamo davvero arrivati a non avere il necessario per poter lavorare ed offrire sicurezza, in momenti di crisi economica e sociale, come quello attuale, i comparti sicurezza e difesa vengono, in genere, maggiormente sostenuti, anche dal punto di vista finanziario, il governo in carica invece ha fallito anche in questo elementare compito istituzionale”.
Il segretario regionale del Coisp Calabria dopo gli scontri di Roma punta l’indice sull’inefficienza del Governo e in un comunicato afferma:
"Le uniche forme di solidarietà che possiamo accettare sono le dimissioni dell'esecutivo Berlusconi e dei parlamentari che lo sostengono. Il resto sono solo sterili affermazioni di chi continua a pugnalare alle spalle i poliziotti, con scelte di governo irresponsabili. Il sindacato indipendente e autonomo di polizia della Calabria, esprime sostegno ai colleghi che ieri hanno dovuto operare a Roma in una condizione di assoluta difficoltà, per colpa di un Governo irresponsabile anche sotto il profilo dell’ordine e della sicurezza pubblica, considerato, tra l’altro, che solo pochi giorni fa ha tagliato 60 milioni di euro a questo comparto, mentre domani gli agenti di polizia dovranno operare per un’ altra manifestazione nazionale di protesta in programma a Roma – senza nemmeno le attrezzature danneggiate sabato e non sostituite”.
E dopo la Polizia un duro attacco alla casta al Governo e al Premier viene fatto dall’organo di rappresentanza delle forze armate, il Cocer.
In un documento fatto dalla rappresentanza sindacale dell’esercito si legge:
“ I militari, non hanno più fiducia nel governo" e definiscono "fallimentare la gestione del sistema Difesa del Paese da parte del gabinetto del ministro La Russa e, di riflesso, del governo Berlusconi auspicandone la caduta:
"Solo in tal modo - sostengono i militari - si potrà evitare il consolidarsi di ulteriori provvedimenti punitivi che, aggiunti a quelli già approvati e già giudicati irresponsabili dal personale militare, determinerebbero nei fatti la morte della peculiarità e della specificità della condizione militare, nonchè dei diritti rappresentativi conquistati con sacrificio negli ultimi anni".
Come dicevo prima nei 150 anni di storia d’Italia non era mai successo che tutti i rappresentanti delle forze dell’ordine insieme protestassero così vibratamente e il Cocer Carabinieri rincara la dose e il primo a raccogliere l’invito a dimettersi è La Russa, anche se non viene mai nominato :
"Il governo taglia sulla sicurezza, ma non si dimentica di finanziare la festa delle Forze Armate del prossimo 4 novembre. È questo - continua - un governo impegnato a salvaguardare l'apparenza più che la sostanza: si sa, le foto ricordo durante queste manifestazioni possono valere più di cento parole, facendo percepire agli ignari cittadini una vicinanza al comparto sicurezza e difesa, di fatto inesistente! Con i tagli alle spese dell'ordine e sicurezza pubblica, il governo ha infatti dimostrato tutti i limiti della sua azione. Alla nostra classe politica non interessa che durante questi servizi il Carabiniere il più delle volte non mangi, oppure lavori dodici ore continuative senza percepire straordinario e in condizioni a dir poco aberranti come ampiamente hanno dimostrato le immagini dei violenti scontri di piazza. A loro interessa solo tagliare le spese per questi servizi. Siamo nel pieno ciclone alimentato da una classe politica che pensa più che a salvaguardare, ad aumentare i propri privilegi. Ci chiediamo quali spese verranno tolte dal bilancio statale, visto che siamo già altamente maltrattati".
E dopo, senza tanti giri di parole, la rappresentanza sindacale attacca il Governo:
”I Carabinieri sono stanchi di sottacere e di subire le imposizioni di un governo che continua imperterrito a penalizzarli economicamente per giustificare i propri sprechi (auto blu con scorta, autisti/maggiordomi, segretari, vigilanze) e che continua a chieder loro sacrifici economici. Oggi abbiamo un dato di fatto oggettivo: la sicurezza per l'italiano è gravemente compromessa. Garantire sicurezza, per i Carabinieri vuol dire lavorare gratis, per i nostri amabili parlamentari vuol dire aumento di servizi di esclusiva utilità gratuiti perché pagati con i sacrifici dei cittadini tutti e con i tagli ai servitori dello Stato garanti dell'ordine e della sicurezza pubblica”
E a questo punto anche Berlusconi non viene risparmiato dalle critiche:
”Qualcuno spieghi al presidente del Consiglio il significato dei sacrifici che il Carabiniere fa per garantire la giustizia sociale ed i diritti del cittadino. I Carabinieri rimandano al governo le belle parole ed i ringraziamenti ipocriti.”
Nessuno e dico nessuno poteva immaginare una cosa del genere ,che oltre alla polizia carabinieri e forze armate tutti e dico tutti protestassero così vibratamente nei confronti di un Governo.
Poi tutte queste notizie sono state oscurate dall’informazione di Regime; la Rai Mediaset e tutti i giornali del Premier ,non parlano di questo, va contro l’etica del pensiero positivo, e per chiudere in bellezza allego il comunicato stampa del Cocer delle forze armate che fa capire in maniera molto chiara quello che pensano i militari dei nostri governanti.
Consiglio centrale di rappresentanza
comparto difesa
comunicato stampa
Cocer: i militari delle forze armate non hanno più fiducia nel governo
Roma, 20 ott. 2011 - I cocer delle forze armate, esercito marina e aeronautica, ritenuta necessaria una sintesi sulla attuale situazione politica giudicano fallimentare la gestione del sistema di difesa del paese da parte del gabinetto dell’on. La Russa e di riflesso del governo Berlusconi auspicandone la caduta.
Infatti, solo in tal modo, si potrà evitare il consolidarsi di ulteriori provvedimenti punitivi che aggiunti a quelli già approvati e già giudicati irresponsabili dal personale militare determinerebbero nei fatti la morte della peculiarità e della specificità della condizione militare, nonché dei diritti rappresentativi conquistati con sacrificio negli ultimi anni e peggio il deterioramento del quadro giuridico ed economico che si ricorda ha costituito in passato non uno status di casta ma la giusta moneta ricompensante gli atti svolti in modo diuturno dai soldati, dai marinai e dagli avieri e che ricomprendono, per memoria della establishment politica e politica militare, gli estremi sacrifici.
La rappresentanza militare, facendosi portavoce di tutte le donne e gli uomini in servizio stanchi di sottacere e di subire imposizioni draconiane, non attenderà fermo ed inerte e non esiterà, sempre nel rispetto della legalità, ad operare le dovute scelte per tutelare compiutamente e in primis la dignità morale, giuridica ed economica dei portatori d’interesse che nonostante tutto indossano la divisa e cantano orgogliosamente l’inno di Mameli.
Riteniamo sia necessario una conferenza stampa che, attraverso un confronto in pubblico anche utilizzando i media televisivi al governo piu’ consoni, i cittadini italiani siano informati delle implicazioni che i prefigurati tagli produrranno in termini di sicurezza interna ed esterna del paese sia sugli operatori che su i cittadini stessi ove cio’ non avvenga in tempi brevi si provvederà in proprio.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Cold night for Turkish survivors
Thousands of people are spending a second night outside in freezing temperatures after Sunday's earthquake that killed at least 265 people.
The earthquake struck eastern Van province, close to the Iranian border, at 1:41 p.m. local time, Turkey's National Earthquake Monitoring Centre said. The centre reported the quake's magnitude as 6.6, while the United States Geological Survey said it measured 7.2.
The earthquake struck eastern Van province, close to the Iranian border, at 1:41 p.m. local time, Turkey's National Earthquake Monitoring Centre said. The centre reported the quake's magnitude as 6.6, while the United States Geological Survey said it measured 7.2.
Van Ağrı Yolu, Van Province, Turkey
everyone was running to talk to him
All words in condemning Gaddafi. But everyone was running to talk to him about finance and oil and possibly camels.

Muammar Gaddafi,
world bank
Milan, Italy
Berlusconi tra gli eredi del raìs? In ballo oltre 200 miliardi
Oltre 200 miliardi di dollari. È il tesoro che Muammar Gheddafi è riuscito a nascondere all’estero. A rivelarlo è il Los Angeles Times online citando alti ufficiali dell’amministrazione libica. Quei 200miliardi di dollari arricchiscono la «torta libica». Una torta da centinaia di miliardi di dollari, legati allo sfruttamento delle risorse petrolifere ma anche alla ricostruzione del Paese. L’eredità del raìs fa gola a molti. Anche in Italia. Tra questi, ci sarebbe il Cavaliere. «Più vicina ora l’eredità del socio Berlusconi, dopo la morte di Gheddafi, che insieme all’altro socio Tarak Ben Hammar hanno la partecipazione della Quinta Communications acquistata due anni fa dalla famiglia del raìs», rimarca in proposito il senatore dell’Italia dei Valori e capogruppo del partito in commissione Esteri Stefano Pedica.
Nel 2009 Gheddafi era entrato col suo capitale nella società messa in piedi vent’anni fa da Berlusconi e Ben Hammar per la produzione e distribuzione di film. Due anni fa il coup de théâtre: Gheddafi viene inglobato nella società, da allora non risulta sia cambiato nulla - continua Pedica - anzi l’ultima precisazione è del marzo scorso, quando lo stesso BenHamnmardichiarò: «Il fondo sovrano libico Lybian Investment Authority, attraverso la società Lafi Trade, è presente con il 10% in Quinta Communications S.A, società di diritto francese controllata al 68% dal finanziere franco tunisino Tarak Ben Ammar, dove è presente anche la Fininvest, con una quota del 22% detenuta attraverso la controllata lussemburghese Trefinance». «Abbiamo le carte- insiste Pedica - e spiegheremo perché siamo convinti di essere di fronte ad un palese conflitto di interessi del presidente del Consiglio».
Da (ex) amico a erede. Affari e fondi sovrani. Petrolio e ricostruzione. Armi e infrastrutture. 140 miliardi di dollari: è l’ammontare dei contratti sottoscritti complessivamente con il regime di Gheddafi dalle 130 aziende italiane impegnate in Libia. In ordine sparso, solo per citarne alcune: Eni, Enel, Finmeccanica, Ansaldo, Iveco spa, Augusta-Westland, Alenia Aermacchi, Oto Melara, Intermarine spa, Selex Sistemi Integrati, Mbda Italia. E ancora: Telecome Alitalia, Edison e Grimaldi, Alenia Aermacchi e Martini silos, Gruppo Trevi e Impregilo, Italcementi e Astaldi, queste ultime impegnate nell’opera di infrastrutturazione della Libia, a partire dai 1.700 km della nuova superstrada Rass Ajdir-Imsaad, la cui realizzazione è stata affidata, dagli uomini del Colonnello, a imprese italiane. L’asse degli affari Tripoli-Roma investe anche le Banche, settore sul quale la Libia ha messo gli occhi e anche molti soldi. La Libyan Investments Autorithy - il braccio finanziario di Gheddafi nato con lo scopodi gestire i proventi del petrolio - ha incrementato (2010) la propria partecipazione in Unicredit, facendo così lievitare l’intera compagine libica oltre il 7,5%, visto che la Banca Centrale Libica e la Libyan Arab Foreign Bank sono insieme titolari del 4,98%.Nel 2002 il fondo Lafico ha acquistato il 5,31%della Juventus calcio, corrispondente a circa 6,4 milioni di euro in azioni. Nel 2009 la partecipazione è salita al 7,5 per cento. Il fondo libico possiede azioni di Mediobanca per 500 milioni di dollari, e il26%di Olcese, un’azienda tessile. Nel 2000 il fondo è tornato a investire in Fiat, acquistando il 2% delle azioni della fabbrica automobilistica.
Oggi la Libia possiede una quota di Fiat di poco inferiore al 2%. Dalle banche alle costruzioni. La voce più importante è quella relativa all’Autostrada sulla costa mediterranea libica: il Trattato di amicizia - sottoscritto nell’agosto 2008 da Berlusconi e Gheddafi - prevede che Romaversi a Tripoli 5 miliardi di dollari per la realizzazione dell’opera alla quale partecipano 21 imprese italiane. Sempre nel settore, è da registrare che a Lybian Development Investment Co si è associata con l’Impregilo Lidco, che ha ottenuto contratti per 1 miliardo di euro per la costruzione di tre centri universitari e infrastrutture a Tripoli e Misurata. Venti miliardi di dollari: è quanto ha investito l’Eni in Libia. Negli ultimi 10 anni la società petrolifera italiana ha investito lì 50 miliardi di dollari. Nel2009 Finmeccanica ha sottoscritto un memorandum d’intesa col governo libico per la cooperazione in un vasto numero di progetti in Libia, Medio Oriente e Africa.
L’accordo prevede la creazione di una joint venture di cui faranno parte Finmeccanica e il fondo Lafico. Da gennaio iI fondo Lia detiene il 2,01% di Finmeccanica. La società italiana ha vinto diversi contratti d’appalto in Libia, tra cui uno del valore di 247 milioni di euro per la costruzione di una ferrovia. Nel gennaio 2008 Alenia Aeronautica, altra società del gruppo Finmeccanica, ha siglato con il ministero dell’Interno libico un contratto daoltre31milioni di euro per la fornitura del velivolo da pattugliamento marittimo ATR-42MP Surveyor. La nuova Libia dovrà dotarsi di regole sulla concessione di appalti petroliferi e non deve affidarsi a scelte politiche. Il monito viene dal primo ministro del Cnt, Mahmoud Jibril. «Avviso il nuovo governo che le regole economiche dovrebbero essere la Regola. È molto pericoloso avere contratti politici». Tutti i contratti saranno mantenuti, ripete il ministro Frattini. Ma sono in molti a dubitarne.
fine democrazia.,
human rights,
Muammar Gaddafi,
Milan, Italy
Israel Set to Destroy Spanish-Financed Solar Energy Plant in Hebron District
Israel is planning to demolish a local solar energy plant in the Hebron district town of Mneizel. The plant provides the sole electricity to this town, surrounded by Israeli settlements, and was financed by the Spanish government for some EUR 300,000. If Israel carries out its demolition orders, will the Spanish government demand compensation?
The small Palestinian town of Mneizel, some 70 kilometers south of Hebron, enjoyed 2.5 years of late talks, studying and meals at night, television movies and cartoons, the wonders of conserving food in the fridge and the numerous employment possibilities opened to them by electricity. They could have enjoyed all of this before but they live in Area C, fully controlled by Israel in accordance with the Oslo Agreements, and the Israeli authorities denied them this essential service. Now the Israel authorities returned to this small, poor and forgotten town, surrounded by settlements, to deny them this basic right yet again. On 11 October, Israeli officials from the so-called civil administration of the military occupation issued demolitions orders for the local solar energy plant, a small building where batteries are stored, and three neighboring houses of local residents.
“If they demolish the plant and the batteries’ building, the town will lose all connection to electricity. This means no electricity for the houses, but also closing down the clinic, the school and some of the small businesses that opened in the last years”, explained to the AIC Ignacio, a Spanish activist that works with the project. The entire solar energy plant was built on private Palestinian land and its construction, including the batteries and installation in each house, was financed by the Spanish government for nearly EUR 300,000.
According to the Israeli orders, the demolition was supposed to have occurred on Tuesday (18 October), but a lawyer from Rabbis for Human Rights presented a complaint in the Israeli courts and received an injunction to delay it. The Spanish Consulate in Jerusalem and the Spanish company that is administrating the project, Sistemas Energéticos Básicos (SEBAS), are immersed in endless political meetings since issuance of the orders to try and freeze or even reverse the demolition orders.
For the 300 Palestinians who live in the small town of Mneizel, the following days will determine their way of life, their possibilities of having a slightly easier life. As Ignacio highlights, the town is part of one of the most vulnerable and impoverished Palestinian areas of the West Bank. Just as an example, the residents of Mneizel consume 21 liters of water daily, a miniscule figure compared with the 130 liters consumed each and every day per settler in the same area.
“International humanitarian law clearly states that the occupation forces have to guarantee access to basic services for all the civilian population under occupation”, Ignacio notes. Yet as experience has demonstrated that the Israeli authorities have no interest or will to comply with international law, the Spanish Cooperation, through the Spanish Consulate in Jerusalem, decided to start energy projects in Areas B and C, according to the Oslo denominations. “If we only build in Areas A (under complete control of the Palestinian Authority), we would be supporting ethnic cleansing”, Ignacio added.
Currently SEBAS has another energy project in Atuf, near the city of Jenin in the northern West Bank. It’s in Area B and will be the first town to generate, if it is successful, its own energy. The Spanish company also has two additional projects in Area C, but they are currently in the planning phase.
The small Palestinian town of Mneizel, some 70 kilometers south of Hebron, enjoyed 2.5 years of late talks, studying and meals at night, television movies and cartoons, the wonders of conserving food in the fridge and the numerous employment possibilities opened to them by electricity. They could have enjoyed all of this before but they live in Area C, fully controlled by Israel in accordance with the Oslo Agreements, and the Israeli authorities denied them this essential service. Now the Israel authorities returned to this small, poor and forgotten town, surrounded by settlements, to deny them this basic right yet again. On 11 October, Israeli officials from the so-called civil administration of the military occupation issued demolitions orders for the local solar energy plant, a small building where batteries are stored, and three neighboring houses of local residents.
“If they demolish the plant and the batteries’ building, the town will lose all connection to electricity. This means no electricity for the houses, but also closing down the clinic, the school and some of the small businesses that opened in the last years”, explained to the AIC Ignacio, a Spanish activist that works with the project. The entire solar energy plant was built on private Palestinian land and its construction, including the batteries and installation in each house, was financed by the Spanish government for nearly EUR 300,000.
According to the Israeli orders, the demolition was supposed to have occurred on Tuesday (18 October), but a lawyer from Rabbis for Human Rights presented a complaint in the Israeli courts and received an injunction to delay it. The Spanish Consulate in Jerusalem and the Spanish company that is administrating the project, Sistemas Energéticos Básicos (SEBAS), are immersed in endless political meetings since issuance of the orders to try and freeze or even reverse the demolition orders.
For the 300 Palestinians who live in the small town of Mneizel, the following days will determine their way of life, their possibilities of having a slightly easier life. As Ignacio highlights, the town is part of one of the most vulnerable and impoverished Palestinian areas of the West Bank. Just as an example, the residents of Mneizel consume 21 liters of water daily, a miniscule figure compared with the 130 liters consumed each and every day per settler in the same area.
“International humanitarian law clearly states that the occupation forces have to guarantee access to basic services for all the civilian population under occupation”, Ignacio notes. Yet as experience has demonstrated that the Israeli authorities have no interest or will to comply with international law, the Spanish Cooperation, through the Spanish Consulate in Jerusalem, decided to start energy projects in Areas B and C, according to the Oslo denominations. “If we only build in Areas A (under complete control of the Palestinian Authority), we would be supporting ethnic cleansing”, Ignacio added.
Currently SEBAS has another energy project in Atuf, near the city of Jenin in the northern West Bank. It’s in Area B and will be the first town to generate, if it is successful, its own energy. The Spanish company also has two additional projects in Area C, but they are currently in the planning phase.
human rights,
Muammar Gaddafi,
world bank
Another version , why they want Gheddafi died....
Gheddafi mustly be die when was captured, so many years he was in busineess with many countrys and busineesman , maby someone was scare if he was captured live and can talk about....what about his investment around the world??where that money gone now??and what about the libya oil he sale before for his country? someone get it free now??
Muammar Gaddafi,
pianeta terra,
war criminals
Sirte, Libya
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Menginformasikan Untuk Resist
Sebelum mengatakan apa pun di Libya, Anda HARUS melihat film dokumenter ini.
human right,
Muammar Gaddafi,
Sirte, Libya
18+)tutti hanno voluto questa guerra , ed ora se ne lavan le mani per aver assassinato un uomo come nemmeno si scanna una bestia!!!..
hanno voluto questa guerra , ed ora se ne lavan le mani per aver
assassinato un uomo come nemmeno si scanna una bestia!!!..
Morte di Gheddafi: il nuovo governo sotto accusa. La Nato si autoassolve
I video mostrano che il rais ha subito un linciaggio e l’esecuzione.
Oggi l’autopsia, mentre centinaia visitano la cella frigorifera dove è
deposto. La tribù di Gheddafi ne chiede la salma per seppellirla secondo
i canoni dell’islam. Ma il governo di transizione è indeciso se
sbarazzarsi del corpo o seppellirlo in un luogo segreto. La Nato: la
morte di Gheddafi non è mai stata un nostro obbiettivo. Le critiche
della Russia.
(18+) Morte di Gheddafi: il nuovo governo sotto accusa. La Nato si autoassolve
Sirte, Libya
Informare Per Resistere..Prima di dire qualsiasi altra cosa sulla Libia, DOVETE visionare questo documentario. E farlo visionare a tutti
di dire qualsiasi altra cosa sulla Libia, DOVETE visionare questo
documentario. E farlo visionare a tutti i vostri contatti.Maledetta Primavera", documentario di Fulvio Grimaldi, giornalista ex
BBC, ex Liberazione, scrittore, documentarista, attore, su quella che
viene definita come "Primavera Araba".
Al Jazeera,
kids murders,
Muammar Gaddafi,
war criminals
Tripoli, Libya
Monday, October 10, 2011
Vietnam flood toll reaches 24, mostly children....
Flooded houses are seen here in the central Vietnamese province of Quang Binh, on October 2. The toll from the worst floods to hit Vietnam in a decade has reached 24, most of them children, the government disaster authority said on Monday, as it reported a further six deaths
The Hanoi-based national flood and storm control committee said that 21 of those killed have been children who drowned in floodwaters.
The flooding, which began in mid-September and is expected to last until late October, has so far inundated nearly 60,000 homes in the country and damaged more than 6,900 hectares (17,000 acres) of rice fields.
Vietnam is the world's number two rice exporter and the Mekong Delta in the south accounts for half the country's production.
Total losses are estimated at more than 44 million dollars, the committee added.
Unusually severe monsoon floods have killed more than 250 people in Thailand and about 170 in Cambodia, and deluged vast swathes of paddy fields in the region.
ma possibile che gli italiani ancor non si son accorti di esser governati da un dittatore??...un bavaglio qui , un bavaglio li, poi si continuera' con una soppressione li ed una la' insomma....SCETATEVE A KI ASPETTAT???!!!!
Ci avete rotto!!! Vogliamo la libertà di parola e d'informazione!!!
fine democrazia.,
informazione libera,
wikipedia italia
Italy Un grande Benigni: ''Berlusconi ha le orge contate... Un grande Benigni: ''Berlusconi ha le orge contate...: Il comico a Palazzo Vecchio come ospite d'eccezione per la presentazione della Commedia con il commento di Robert Hollander. "Il nuovo pr...
Sunday, October 9, 2011
E' morto Steve Jobs. Dio, daccelo indietro e prenditi Berlusconi...
wikipedia italia
Milan, Italy
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Wikipedia Italia chiude: colpa del DDL ( la fine di uno stato democratico)
Wikipedia italiano ha disattivato il suo sito web in segno di protesta contro una legge sulla privacy redatto dal governo di Silvio Berlusconi che avrebbe imposto nuove restrizioni sui quali i giornali e le pagine Internet vengono frenate dalle intercettazioni della polizia.
L'enciclopedia online ha avvertito che potrebbe chiudere la sua pagina definitivamente a causa di disposizioni della legge sul DDL costringendo sui siti web di contenuto corretto considerato pregiudizievole per l'immagine di una persona entro 48 ore dalla denuncia, senza diritto di appello.
Alcuni manifestanti si sono riuniti nei pressi del parlamento con la bocca sigillata da nastro adesivo.
"I pilastri di Wikipedia che è stato costruito sulla neutralità, libertà e verificabilità dei suoi contenuti rischiano di essere pesantemente di essere compromessi", si legge nel comunicato pubblicato da "Gli utenti di Wikipedia" sul suo sito che è stato bloccato alle ricerche.
L'enciclopedia online ha avvertito che potrebbe chiudere la sua pagina definitivamente a causa di disposizioni della legge sul DDL costringendo sui siti web di contenuto corretto considerato pregiudizievole per l'immagine di una persona entro 48 ore dalla denuncia, senza diritto di appello.
Alcuni manifestanti si sono riuniti nei pressi del parlamento con la bocca sigillata da nastro adesivo.
"I pilastri di Wikipedia che è stato costruito sulla neutralità, libertà e verificabilità dei suoi contenuti rischiano di essere pesantemente di essere compromessi", si legge nel comunicato pubblicato da "Gli utenti di Wikipedia" sul suo sito che è stato bloccato alle ricerche.
fine democrazia.,
wikipedia italia
Tokyo, Japan scaricati dal proprio paese!!!
Circa 4 anni fa' son stato all'ambasciata italiana a jakarta, per rifar mio passaporto tra l'altro mangiato dal mio cane (il passaporto)....e per rinnovarlo mi e' stato chiesto di iscrivermi al ministero degli italiani residenti all'estero se volevo riavere il passaporto, ma solo ora che son ritornato in italia per far visita ai miei parenti scopro che la mia assistenza sanitaria e' non ho cambiato nazionalita' ma ho solo chiesto il rilascio di un duplicato del passaporto. Ora dopo quest'ultima esperienza negativa con le autorita' competenti del mio paese ho deciso di richieder alle autorita' del paese dove vivo la nazionalita', nonostante quest'ultimo prevede la scelta di una sola nazionalita'!!!....
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
A Palestinian State?
A Palestinian State?
By Ron Paul
September 28, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- The Palestinian Authority's recent announcement that it would seek UN recognition as an independent state dominated the news and the political debate in the United States last week, though in truth it should mean very little to us. Only a political class harboring the illusion it can run the world obsesses over the aspirations of a tiny population on a tiny piece of land thousands of miles away. Remember, the UN initiated this persistent conflict with its 1947 Partition Plan.
Unfortunately the debate is dominated by those who either support the Israeli side in the conflict, or those who support the Palestinian desire for statehood. We rarely seem to hear the view of those who support the US side and US interests. I am on that side. I believe that we can no longer police the world. We can no longer bribe the Israelis and Palestinians to continue an endless "peace process" that goes nowhere. It is not in our interest to hector the Palestinians or the Israelis, or to "export" democracy to the region but reject it when people vote the "wrong" way.
I have reservations about the Palestinian drive for UN recognition. Personally I wish the United States would de-recognize the United Nations. As most readers already know, in every Congress I introduce legislation to end our membership in that organization. The UN is a threat to our sovereignty-- and as we are the main source of its income, it is a threat to our economic well-being. Increasingly over the past several years, we see the United Nations providing political and legal cover for the military aspirations of interventionists rather than serving as an international forum to preserve peace. Neoconservatives in the US have grown to love the United Nations as they co-opt the organization under the guise of endless "reform." Under the sovereignty-destroying doctrine of "Responsibility to Protect," adopted at the 2005 World Summit, the UN takes it upon itself to intervene in internal conflicts of its member states whenever it believes that human rights are being violated. Thus under "Responsibility to Protect," the UN provides the green light for a kind of global no-knock raid on any sovereign country.
If asked, I would personally counsel the Palestinians to avoid the United Nations. UN membership and participation is no guarantee that sovereignty will be respected. We see what happens to UN members such as Iraq and Libya when those countries' leaders fall out of favor with US administrations: under US and allied pressure a fig leaf resolution is adopted in the UN to facilitate devastating military intervention. When the UN gave NATO the green light to bomb Libya there was no genocide taking place. It was a purely preventative war. The result? Thousands dead, a destroyed country, and extremely dubious new leaders.
While I do not see UN membership as a particularly productive move for the Palestinian leadership, I do not believe the US should use its position in the UN Security Council to block their membership. I believe in self-determination of peoples and I recognize that peoples may wish to pursue statehood by different means. As we saw after the Cold War, numerous new states were born out of the ruins of the USSR as the various old Soviet Republics decided that smaller states were preferable to an enormous and oppressive multi-national conglomerate.
The real, pro-US solution to the problems in the Middle East is for us to end all foreign aid, stop arming foreign countries, encourage peaceful diplomatic resolutions to conflicts, and disengage militarily. In others words, follow Jefferson's admonition: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none."
Congressman Ron Paul was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Gettysburg College and the Duke University School of Medicine, before proudly serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force during the 1960s. He and his wife Carol moved to Texas in 1968, where he began his medical practice in Brazoria County.
By Ron Paul
September 28, 2011 "Information Clearing House" -- The Palestinian Authority's recent announcement that it would seek UN recognition as an independent state dominated the news and the political debate in the United States last week, though in truth it should mean very little to us. Only a political class harboring the illusion it can run the world obsesses over the aspirations of a tiny population on a tiny piece of land thousands of miles away. Remember, the UN initiated this persistent conflict with its 1947 Partition Plan.
Unfortunately the debate is dominated by those who either support the Israeli side in the conflict, or those who support the Palestinian desire for statehood. We rarely seem to hear the view of those who support the US side and US interests. I am on that side. I believe that we can no longer police the world. We can no longer bribe the Israelis and Palestinians to continue an endless "peace process" that goes nowhere. It is not in our interest to hector the Palestinians or the Israelis, or to "export" democracy to the region but reject it when people vote the "wrong" way.
I have reservations about the Palestinian drive for UN recognition. Personally I wish the United States would de-recognize the United Nations. As most readers already know, in every Congress I introduce legislation to end our membership in that organization. The UN is a threat to our sovereignty-- and as we are the main source of its income, it is a threat to our economic well-being. Increasingly over the past several years, we see the United Nations providing political and legal cover for the military aspirations of interventionists rather than serving as an international forum to preserve peace. Neoconservatives in the US have grown to love the United Nations as they co-opt the organization under the guise of endless "reform." Under the sovereignty-destroying doctrine of "Responsibility to Protect," adopted at the 2005 World Summit, the UN takes it upon itself to intervene in internal conflicts of its member states whenever it believes that human rights are being violated. Thus under "Responsibility to Protect," the UN provides the green light for a kind of global no-knock raid on any sovereign country.
If asked, I would personally counsel the Palestinians to avoid the United Nations. UN membership and participation is no guarantee that sovereignty will be respected. We see what happens to UN members such as Iraq and Libya when those countries' leaders fall out of favor with US administrations: under US and allied pressure a fig leaf resolution is adopted in the UN to facilitate devastating military intervention. When the UN gave NATO the green light to bomb Libya there was no genocide taking place. It was a purely preventative war. The result? Thousands dead, a destroyed country, and extremely dubious new leaders.
While I do not see UN membership as a particularly productive move for the Palestinian leadership, I do not believe the US should use its position in the UN Security Council to block their membership. I believe in self-determination of peoples and I recognize that peoples may wish to pursue statehood by different means. As we saw after the Cold War, numerous new states were born out of the ruins of the USSR as the various old Soviet Republics decided that smaller states were preferable to an enormous and oppressive multi-national conglomerate.
The real, pro-US solution to the problems in the Middle East is for us to end all foreign aid, stop arming foreign countries, encourage peaceful diplomatic resolutions to conflicts, and disengage militarily. In others words, follow Jefferson's admonition: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none."
Congressman Ron Paul was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Gettysburg College and the Duke University School of Medicine, before proudly serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force during the 1960s. He and his wife Carol moved to Texas in 1968, where he began his medical practice in Brazoria County.
kids murders,
war criminals
The End of Poverty?
The End of Poverty?
Video Documentary
Global poverty did not just happen. It began with military conquest, slavery and colonization that resulted in the seizure of land, minerals and forced labor. Today, the problem persists because of unfair debt, trade and tax policies — in other words, wealthy countries taking advantage of poor, developing countries.
Renowned actor and activist, Martin Sheen, narrates , a feature-length documentary directed by award-winning director, Philippe Diaz, which explains how today's financial crisis is a direct consequence of these unchallenged policies that have lasted centuries. Consider that 20% of the planet's population uses 80% of its resources and consumes 30% more than the planet can regenerate. At this rate, to maintain our lifestyle means more and more people will sink below the poverty line.
Filmed in the slums of Africa and the barrios of Latin America, The End of Poverty? features expert insights from: Nobel prize winners in Economics, Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz; acclaimed authors Susan George, Eric Toussaint, John Perkins, Chalmers Johnson; university professors William Easterly and Michael Watts; government ministers such as Bolivia's Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera and the leaders of social movements in Brazil, Venezuela, Kenya and Tanzania. It is produced by Cinema Libre Studio in collaboration with the Robert Schalkenbach Foundation. Can we really end poverty within our current economic system? Think again.
Video Documentary
Global poverty did not just happen. It began with military conquest, slavery and colonization that resulted in the seizure of land, minerals and forced labor. Today, the problem persists because of unfair debt, trade and tax policies — in other words, wealthy countries taking advantage of poor, developing countries.
Renowned actor and activist, Martin Sheen, narrates , a feature-length documentary directed by award-winning director, Philippe Diaz, which explains how today's financial crisis is a direct consequence of these unchallenged policies that have lasted centuries. Consider that 20% of the planet's population uses 80% of its resources and consumes 30% more than the planet can regenerate. At this rate, to maintain our lifestyle means more and more people will sink below the poverty line.
Filmed in the slums of Africa and the barrios of Latin America, The End of Poverty? features expert insights from: Nobel prize winners in Economics, Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz; acclaimed authors Susan George, Eric Toussaint, John Perkins, Chalmers Johnson; university professors William Easterly and Michael Watts; government ministers such as Bolivia's Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera and the leaders of social movements in Brazil, Venezuela, Kenya and Tanzania. It is produced by Cinema Libre Studio in collaboration with the Robert Schalkenbach Foundation. Can we really end poverty within our current economic system? Think again.
Posted September 29, 2011
Why does poverty persist after more than a century of sustained global economic growth? Most economists point to economic growth as the primary solution to poverty, on the assumption that increased prosperity will "trickle down" to everyone. Yet, even in advanced industrial countries, growth in recent decades has benefited only a tiny fraction of wealthy people, not the average worker. China and India have grown rapidly also, producing their own billionaires, but those at the bottom of the economic pyramid have benefited only a little. So, what does account for the persistence of poverty in a rich world?
The Legacy of Slavery: both in US and in Africa
Americans like to believe that the past has little relevance for the future. Yet, the legacy of slavery is still with us. On average, Afro-American households have about 10% of the accumulated assets that Euro-American households have, even though the saving rate is the same. The difference lies in history. For working families, it takes generations to build up asset values, and until the end of slavery and then Jim Crow (segregation laws), it was extremely difficult for black families to build assets.
The same holds for Africa. The economic development of Africa was not only stifled. The slave trade from sub-Saharan Africa to North and South America, to India and Arab countries, and to North Africa depopulated Africa, disrupted economic and political organization, and interfered with internal trade. This did not occur just once. It was process that was carried out over at least four centuries. In effect, Africans never had time to recover and rebuild their own societies. The result today, according to economist Nathan Nunn, is that the regions of Africa hardest hit by the slave trade now have the lowest incomes. Thus, slavery in the past directly affects the level of poverty in the present.
Not every part of the world was damaged by slavery, but every continent was affected by colonialism. It is no accident that the countries that controlled foreign territories are generally rich and the countries that lost their autonomy under colonialism are generally poor.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, wealthy Europeans profited from the gold, silver, the products of plantations (notably sugar), being extracted from colonized areas. (Others profited from trade for spices and luxury goods in Asia.) Then, as now, only a small portion of the European population benefited from profits extracted from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Poverty emerged in the colonized countries for several reasons. First, as in Ireland, the colonial government actively destroyed or interfered with local crafts production, thus stifling the kinds of activities that led to industrialization in Europe. Second, land that had been used for growing food for household use and for exchange in local markets was confiscated for plantation agriculture, just as happened in Ireland. Peasants became tenants, and permanent relationship of dependency arose. Third, instead of establishing a complex, integrated domestic market, the colonizers created an export-oriented economy, often based on monoculture (such as tea or sugar or coffee), that failed to develop the internal linkages that make a modern economy strong.
Even after the end of colonial rule, these economic weaknesses remained impediments to internal development. For example, in many countries, the railroads built by the colonial powers are all designed to transport raw materials to the coast for export. The rail system is seldom useful for internal trade.
Land Appropriation
The loss of land rights by small-scale farmers was not only an economic catastrophe. It also undermined cultural and political development as well.
Economically, the destruction of small-scale farming and the creation of plantation agriculture prevented the development of a class of people who were economically capable of buying the crafts that an industrializing society is capable of producing. This stunted the growth of the middle class and led to the creation of societies plagued with mass poverty instead.
Socially, massive land appropriations created a stratified society, in which a few landowners dominated the lives of numerous workers. This created a mentality of subservience that has continued to the present.
Culturally, the connection to land has religious significance and is a factor in maintaining continuity of traditions. Land dispossession thus led to cultural poverty that is hard to measure, but which is just as important as income poverty.
Politically, any society that fails to sustain a large base of people who have some degree of economic independence cannot be self-governing. People who are economically dependent are very unlikely to be politically independent. Thus, even in the absence of colonial rule, the loss of land rights and the concentration of land ownership destroyed the basis of self-governance in many countries.
The proponents of economic liberalism speak about free trade as if it were the primary solution to poverty. But trade can deepen poverty as well as alleviate it. Trade theory suggests that a balance or equilibrium inevitably occurs, but in fact, it may lead to employment and prosperity in one country, and unemployment and misery in another. That sort of imbalance occurs particularly in the case of trade between countries that are on different levels of development. It may lock an agrarian economy into a permanent condition of low productivity and low wages.
Many countries in the last century have sought to develop behind tariffs until their economy is strong enough to compete with rest of world, just as Europe, Japan, and the US did in the past. The development of the economies of East Asia is the most recent example of how this can actually work. Recently, the United States and European powers through the WTO (World Trade Organization) have prevented Third-World countries from developing behind tariffs and actually imposed tariffs to prevent the import of furnished goods from Third-World countries. The North has promoted "free trade" in developing countries, but it has not practiced what it preaches.
One of the most pernicious practices that deprives poor countries of the income they produce is "transfer pricing". That is a method by which corporations operating in a poor country sell the products for a low price to a subsidiary company that operates in a tax haven, then resell the products for a high price (and high profit) in a rich country. A great deal of "trade" takes this form. It artificially depresses the incomes of people in poor countries and raises the incomes of the stock-holders of the corporations. It also deprives poor governments of tax revenue, which means they are limited in their ability to provide public services, which are of enormous importance to the poor.
In order to provide roads, water, schools, and other services normally provided by a modern government, the state must have some means of collecting revenue. It took centuries in Europe for the central government to gain the power to collect taxes, largely because the aristocracy resisted. In the same way, the oligarchs who control the economies of many poor countries limit the state's capacity of impose taxes.
As a result, wealthy members of most countries are able to evade taxes to a great extent. First, they prevent even preliminary discussion or investigation of the possibility of taxing the assets held by the rich (their real estate, business holdings, and financial assets). Second, income taxes are rare and at a low level. Third, the taxes on luxury imports, which were taxed heavily until a few decades ago, have now been lifted.
The primary tax in most countries is now some form of tax on primary commodities: food, drinks, gas, electricity, and other things on which the poor rely. Thus, tax systems have become increasingly regressive, falling more heavily on the poor.
A few countries, such as Venezuela and Bolivia, have undergone virtual revolutions in their tax policies. By wresting control of their natural resources, they have been able to fund public services in large part from the profits or royalties derived from petroleum and natural gas, thus reducing the need for taxing the commodities used by the poor. Although not every government has the option of collecting revenue from hydrocarbons, many could collect more revenue from real estate, which is generally an undertaxed resource.
In total violation of international law, when countries in the South won their independence, the accumulated debts of colonial governments were transferred to the newly formed governments. By loading debt on the politically independent countries, the old colonial powers ensured that the new nations would remain economically weak and subservient to their wishes. This enabled the North to dictate policies on agriculture, trade, and customs, and give special privileges to foreign corporations, such as monopolies over mineral extraction or monoculture exploitation.
The oil crisis of 1979 and the resulting global depression (triggered by US monetary policy) massively increased borrowing by developing countries. Northern banks holding large reserves of”petrodollars" felt impelled to push loans on developing countries, which were mostly a corrupting influence. Elites in government and business borrowed the money for vanity projects, but when the bill came due, the poor had to pay for the extravagance, directly through taxes, and indirectly through lost development opportunities. The resulting debt repayment has crippled the economies of many countries, because the surplus that might have been reinvested in their own economies is instead transferred to banks and governments of the North.
The developing world still pays $10 to $15 in debt service to the North for every $1 it receives from the North in foreign aid and private transfers by emigrants to their homes. Because the debt these developing countries have accrued over time is so great and the interest is so high, very few countries are able to pay off their debt. In fact, the debt keeps growing. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund thus have enormous leverage over indebted countries. Through "structural adjustment programs", the financial institutions can then force countries to sell off state assets, charge higher prices for subsidized commodities and services, and raise taxes and user charges on the poor. These austerity programs create misery by raising the cost of living of the poor, but they do not improve overall economic conditions.
Why does poverty persist after more than a century of sustained global economic growth? Most economists point to economic growth as the primary solution to poverty, on the assumption that increased prosperity will "trickle down" to everyone. Yet, even in advanced industrial countries, growth in recent decades has benefited only a tiny fraction of wealthy people, not the average worker. China and India have grown rapidly also, producing their own billionaires, but those at the bottom of the economic pyramid have benefited only a little. So, what does account for the persistence of poverty in a rich world?
The Legacy of Slavery: both in US and in Africa
Americans like to believe that the past has little relevance for the future. Yet, the legacy of slavery is still with us. On average, Afro-American households have about 10% of the accumulated assets that Euro-American households have, even though the saving rate is the same. The difference lies in history. For working families, it takes generations to build up asset values, and until the end of slavery and then Jim Crow (segregation laws), it was extremely difficult for black families to build assets.
The same holds for Africa. The economic development of Africa was not only stifled. The slave trade from sub-Saharan Africa to North and South America, to India and Arab countries, and to North Africa depopulated Africa, disrupted economic and political organization, and interfered with internal trade. This did not occur just once. It was process that was carried out over at least four centuries. In effect, Africans never had time to recover and rebuild their own societies. The result today, according to economist Nathan Nunn, is that the regions of Africa hardest hit by the slave trade now have the lowest incomes. Thus, slavery in the past directly affects the level of poverty in the present.
Not every part of the world was damaged by slavery, but every continent was affected by colonialism. It is no accident that the countries that controlled foreign territories are generally rich and the countries that lost their autonomy under colonialism are generally poor.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, wealthy Europeans profited from the gold, silver, the products of plantations (notably sugar), being extracted from colonized areas. (Others profited from trade for spices and luxury goods in Asia.) Then, as now, only a small portion of the European population benefited from profits extracted from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Poverty emerged in the colonized countries for several reasons. First, as in Ireland, the colonial government actively destroyed or interfered with local crafts production, thus stifling the kinds of activities that led to industrialization in Europe. Second, land that had been used for growing food for household use and for exchange in local markets was confiscated for plantation agriculture, just as happened in Ireland. Peasants became tenants, and permanent relationship of dependency arose. Third, instead of establishing a complex, integrated domestic market, the colonizers created an export-oriented economy, often based on monoculture (such as tea or sugar or coffee), that failed to develop the internal linkages that make a modern economy strong.
Even after the end of colonial rule, these economic weaknesses remained impediments to internal development. For example, in many countries, the railroads built by the colonial powers are all designed to transport raw materials to the coast for export. The rail system is seldom useful for internal trade.
Land Appropriation
The loss of land rights by small-scale farmers was not only an economic catastrophe. It also undermined cultural and political development as well.
Economically, the destruction of small-scale farming and the creation of plantation agriculture prevented the development of a class of people who were economically capable of buying the crafts that an industrializing society is capable of producing. This stunted the growth of the middle class and led to the creation of societies plagued with mass poverty instead.
Socially, massive land appropriations created a stratified society, in which a few landowners dominated the lives of numerous workers. This created a mentality of subservience that has continued to the present.
Culturally, the connection to land has religious significance and is a factor in maintaining continuity of traditions. Land dispossession thus led to cultural poverty that is hard to measure, but which is just as important as income poverty.
Politically, any society that fails to sustain a large base of people who have some degree of economic independence cannot be self-governing. People who are economically dependent are very unlikely to be politically independent. Thus, even in the absence of colonial rule, the loss of land rights and the concentration of land ownership destroyed the basis of self-governance in many countries.
The proponents of economic liberalism speak about free trade as if it were the primary solution to poverty. But trade can deepen poverty as well as alleviate it. Trade theory suggests that a balance or equilibrium inevitably occurs, but in fact, it may lead to employment and prosperity in one country, and unemployment and misery in another. That sort of imbalance occurs particularly in the case of trade between countries that are on different levels of development. It may lock an agrarian economy into a permanent condition of low productivity and low wages.
Many countries in the last century have sought to develop behind tariffs until their economy is strong enough to compete with rest of world, just as Europe, Japan, and the US did in the past. The development of the economies of East Asia is the most recent example of how this can actually work. Recently, the United States and European powers through the WTO (World Trade Organization) have prevented Third-World countries from developing behind tariffs and actually imposed tariffs to prevent the import of furnished goods from Third-World countries. The North has promoted "free trade" in developing countries, but it has not practiced what it preaches.
One of the most pernicious practices that deprives poor countries of the income they produce is "transfer pricing". That is a method by which corporations operating in a poor country sell the products for a low price to a subsidiary company that operates in a tax haven, then resell the products for a high price (and high profit) in a rich country. A great deal of "trade" takes this form. It artificially depresses the incomes of people in poor countries and raises the incomes of the stock-holders of the corporations. It also deprives poor governments of tax revenue, which means they are limited in their ability to provide public services, which are of enormous importance to the poor.
In order to provide roads, water, schools, and other services normally provided by a modern government, the state must have some means of collecting revenue. It took centuries in Europe for the central government to gain the power to collect taxes, largely because the aristocracy resisted. In the same way, the oligarchs who control the economies of many poor countries limit the state's capacity of impose taxes.
As a result, wealthy members of most countries are able to evade taxes to a great extent. First, they prevent even preliminary discussion or investigation of the possibility of taxing the assets held by the rich (their real estate, business holdings, and financial assets). Second, income taxes are rare and at a low level. Third, the taxes on luxury imports, which were taxed heavily until a few decades ago, have now been lifted.
The primary tax in most countries is now some form of tax on primary commodities: food, drinks, gas, electricity, and other things on which the poor rely. Thus, tax systems have become increasingly regressive, falling more heavily on the poor.
A few countries, such as Venezuela and Bolivia, have undergone virtual revolutions in their tax policies. By wresting control of their natural resources, they have been able to fund public services in large part from the profits or royalties derived from petroleum and natural gas, thus reducing the need for taxing the commodities used by the poor. Although not every government has the option of collecting revenue from hydrocarbons, many could collect more revenue from real estate, which is generally an undertaxed resource.
In total violation of international law, when countries in the South won their independence, the accumulated debts of colonial governments were transferred to the newly formed governments. By loading debt on the politically independent countries, the old colonial powers ensured that the new nations would remain economically weak and subservient to their wishes. This enabled the North to dictate policies on agriculture, trade, and customs, and give special privileges to foreign corporations, such as monopolies over mineral extraction or monoculture exploitation.
The oil crisis of 1979 and the resulting global depression (triggered by US monetary policy) massively increased borrowing by developing countries. Northern banks holding large reserves of”petrodollars" felt impelled to push loans on developing countries, which were mostly a corrupting influence. Elites in government and business borrowed the money for vanity projects, but when the bill came due, the poor had to pay for the extravagance, directly through taxes, and indirectly through lost development opportunities. The resulting debt repayment has crippled the economies of many countries, because the surplus that might have been reinvested in their own economies is instead transferred to banks and governments of the North.
The developing world still pays $10 to $15 in debt service to the North for every $1 it receives from the North in foreign aid and private transfers by emigrants to their homes. Because the debt these developing countries have accrued over time is so great and the interest is so high, very few countries are able to pay off their debt. In fact, the debt keeps growing. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund thus have enormous leverage over indebted countries. Through "structural adjustment programs", the financial institutions can then force countries to sell off state assets, charge higher prices for subsidized commodities and services, and raise taxes and user charges on the poor. These austerity programs create misery by raising the cost of living of the poor, but they do not improve overall economic conditions.
tax policies,
world bank
New York, NY, USA
Monday, October 3, 2011
We Can't Make It Here Anymore
We Can't Make It Here Anymore
By James McMurtry
Will work for food will die for oil
Will kill for power and to us the spoils
The billionaires get to pay less tax
The working poor get to fall through the crack
Posted October 02, 2011
By James McMurtry
Will work for food will die for oil
Will kill for power and to us the spoils
The billionaires get to pay less tax
The working poor get to fall through the crack
Posted October 02, 2011
We Can't Make It Here Anymore
There’s a Vietnam Vet with a cardboard sign
Sitting there by the left turn line
Flag on his wheelchair flapping in the breeze
One leg missing and both hands free
No one’s paying much mind to him
The V.A. budget’s just stretched so thin
And now there’s more coming back from the Mideast war
We can’t make it here anymore
That big ol’ building was the textile mill that fed our kids and it paid our bills
But they turned us out and they closed the doors
We can’t make it here anymore
See those pallets piled up on the loading dock
They’re just gonna sit there ‘til they rot
‘Cause there’s nothing to ship, nothing to pack
Just busted concrete and rusted tracks
Empty storefronts around the square
There’s a needle in the gutter and glass everywhere
You don’t come down here unless you’re looking to score
We can’t make it here anymore
The bar’s still open but man it’s slow
The tip jar’s light and the register’s low
The bartender don’t have much to say
The regular crowd gets thinner each day
Some have maxed out all their credit cards
Some are working two jobs and living in cars
Minimum wage won’t pay for a roof, won’t pay for a drink
If you gotta have proof just try it yourself Mr. CEO
See how far $5.15 an hour will go
Take a part time job at one your stores
Bet you can’t make it here anymore
There’s a high school girl with a bourgeois dream
Just like the pictures in the magazine
She found on the floor of the laundromatA woman with kids can forget all that
If she comes up pregnant what’ll she do
Forget the career, forget about school
Can she live on faith? Live on hope?
High on Jesus or hooked on dope
When it’s way too late to just say no
You can’t make it here anymore
Now I’m stocking shirts in the Wal-Mart store
Just like the ones we made before
‘ Cept this one came from Singapore
I guess we can’t make it here anymore
Should I hate a people for the shade of their skin
Or the shape of their eyes or the shape I’m in
Should I hate ‘em for having our jobs today
No I hate the men sent the jobs away
I can see them all now, they haunt my dreams
All lily white and squeaky clean
They’ve never known want, they’ll never know need
Their shit don’t stink and their kids won’t bleed
Their kids won’t bleed in their damn little war
And we can’t make it here anymore
Will work for food will die for oil
Will kill for power and to us the spoils
The billionaires get to pay less tax
The working poor get to fall through the cracks
So let ‘em eat jellybeans let ‘em eat cake
Let ‘em eat shit, whatever it takes
They can join the Air Force, or join the Corps
If they can’t make it here anymore
So that’s how it is, that’s what we got
If the president wants to admit it or not
You can read it in the paper, read it on the wall
Hear it on the wind if you’re listening at all
Get out of that limo, look us in the eye
Call us on the cell phone tell us all why
In Dayton Ohio or Portland Maine
Or a cotton gin out on the great high plains
That’s done closed down along with the school
And the hospital and the swimming pool
Dust devils dance in the noonday heat
There’s rats in the alley and trash in the street
Gang graffiti on a boxcar door
We can’t make it here anymore
There’s a Vietnam Vet with a cardboard sign
Sitting there by the left turn line
Flag on his wheelchair flapping in the breeze
One leg missing and both hands free
No one’s paying much mind to him
The V.A. budget’s just stretched so thin
And now there’s more coming back from the Mideast war
We can’t make it here anymore
That big ol’ building was the textile mill that fed our kids and it paid our bills
But they turned us out and they closed the doors
We can’t make it here anymore
See those pallets piled up on the loading dock
They’re just gonna sit there ‘til they rot
‘Cause there’s nothing to ship, nothing to pack
Just busted concrete and rusted tracks
Empty storefronts around the square
There’s a needle in the gutter and glass everywhere
You don’t come down here unless you’re looking to score
We can’t make it here anymore
The bar’s still open but man it’s slow
The tip jar’s light and the register’s low
The bartender don’t have much to say
The regular crowd gets thinner each day
Some have maxed out all their credit cards
Some are working two jobs and living in cars
Minimum wage won’t pay for a roof, won’t pay for a drink
If you gotta have proof just try it yourself Mr. CEO
See how far $5.15 an hour will go
Take a part time job at one your stores
Bet you can’t make it here anymore
There’s a high school girl with a bourgeois dream
Just like the pictures in the magazine
She found on the floor of the laundromatA woman with kids can forget all that
If she comes up pregnant what’ll she do
Forget the career, forget about school
Can she live on faith? Live on hope?
High on Jesus or hooked on dope
When it’s way too late to just say no
You can’t make it here anymore
Now I’m stocking shirts in the Wal-Mart store
Just like the ones we made before
‘ Cept this one came from Singapore
I guess we can’t make it here anymore
Should I hate a people for the shade of their skin
Or the shape of their eyes or the shape I’m in
Should I hate ‘em for having our jobs today
No I hate the men sent the jobs away
I can see them all now, they haunt my dreams
All lily white and squeaky clean
They’ve never known want, they’ll never know need
Their shit don’t stink and their kids won’t bleed
Their kids won’t bleed in their damn little war
And we can’t make it here anymore
Will work for food will die for oil
Will kill for power and to us the spoils
The billionaires get to pay less tax
The working poor get to fall through the cracks
So let ‘em eat jellybeans let ‘em eat cake
Let ‘em eat shit, whatever it takes
They can join the Air Force, or join the Corps
If they can’t make it here anymore
So that’s how it is, that’s what we got
If the president wants to admit it or not
You can read it in the paper, read it on the wall
Hear it on the wind if you’re listening at all
Get out of that limo, look us in the eye
Call us on the cell phone tell us all why
In Dayton Ohio or Portland Maine
Or a cotton gin out on the great high plains
That’s done closed down along with the school
And the hospital and the swimming pool
Dust devils dance in the noonday heat
There’s rats in the alley and trash in the street
Gang graffiti on a boxcar door
We can’t make it here anymore
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Project for the New American Century.
The Project for the New American Century.
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The People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required.
By William Rivers Pitt
02/25/03 -- - The Project for the New American Century, or PNAC, is a Washington-based think tank created in 1997. Above all else, PNAC desires and demands one thing: The establishment of a global American empire to bend the will of all nations. They chafe at the idea that the United States, the last remaining superpower, does not do more by way of economic and military force to bring the rest of the world under the umbrella of a new socio-economic Pax Americana.
The fundamental essence of PNAC's ideology can be found in a White Paper produced in September of 2000 entitled "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century." In it, PNAC outlines what is required of America to create the global empire they envision. According to PNAC, America must:
* Reposition permanently based forces to Southern Europe, Southeast Asia and the Middle East;
* Modernize U.S. forces, including enhancing our fighter aircraft, submarine and surface fleet capabilities;
* Develop and deploy a global missile defense system, and develop a strategic dominance of space;
* Control the "International Commons" of cyberspace;
* Increase defense spending to a minimum of 3.8 percent of gross domestic product, up from the 3 percent currently spent.
Most ominously, this PNAC document described four "Core Missions" for the American military. The two central requirements are for American forces to "fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars," and to "perform the 'constabulary' duties associated with shaping the security environment in critical regions." Note well that PNAC does not want America to be prepared to fight simultaneous major wars. That is old school. In order to bring this plan to fruition, the military must fight these wars one way or the other to establish American dominance for all to see.
Why is this important? After all, wacky think tanks are a cottage industry in Washington, DC. They are a dime a dozen. In what way does PNAC stand above the other groups that would set American foreign policy if they could? Two events brought PNAC into the mainstream of American government: the disputed election of George W. Bush, and the attacks of September 11th. When Bush assumed the Presidency, the men who created and nurtured the imperial dreams of PNAC became the men who run the Pentagon, the Defense Department and the White House. When the Towers came down, these men saw, at long last, their chance to turn their White Papers into substantive policy.
Vice President Dick Cheney is a founding member of PNAC, along with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Defense Policy Board chairman Richard Perle. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz is the ideological father of the group. Bruce Jackson, a PNAC director, served as a Pentagon official for Ronald Reagan before leaving government service to take a leading position with the weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin.
PNAC is staffed by men who previously served with groups like Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America, which supported America's bloody gamesmanship in Nicaragua and El Salvador, and with groups like The Committee for the Present Danger, which spent years advocating that a nuclear war with the Soviet Union was "winnable."
PNAC has recently given birth to a new group, The Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, which met with National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice in order to formulate a plan to "educate" the American populace about the need for war in Iraq. CLI has funneled millions of taxpayer dollars to support the Iraqi National Congress and the Iraqi heir presumptive, Ahmed Chalabi. Chalabi was sentenced in absentia by a Jordanian court in 1992 to
22 years in prison for bank fraud after the collapse of Petra Bank, which he founded in 1977. Chalabi has not set foot in Iraq since 1956, but his Enron-like business credentials apparently make him a good match for the Bush administration's plans.
PNAC's "Rebuilding America's Defenses" report is the institutionalization of plans and ideologies that have been formulated for decades by the men currently running American government. The PNAC Statement of Principles is signed by Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, as well as by Eliot Abrams, Jeb Bush, Bush's special envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, and many others. William Kristol, famed conservative writer for the Weekly Standard, is also a co-founder of the group. The Weekly Standard is owned by Ruppert Murdoch, who also owns international media giant Fox News.
The desire for these freshly empowered PNAC men to extend American hegemony by force of arms across the globe has been there since day one of the Bush administration, and is in no small part a central reason for the Florida electoral battle in 2000. Note that while many have said that Gore and Bush are ideologically identical, Mr. Gore had no ties whatsoever to the fellows at PNAC. George W. Bush had to win that election by any means necessary, and PNAC signatory Jeb Bush was in the perfect position to ensure the rise to prominence of his fellow imperialists. Desire for such action, however, is by no means translatable into workable policy. Americans enjoy their comforts, but don't cotton to the idea of being some sort of Neo-Rome.
On September 11th, the fellows from PNAC saw a door of opportunity open wide before them, and stormed right through it.
Bush released on September 20th 2001 the "National Security Strategy of the United States of America." It is an ideological match to PNAC's "Rebuilding America's Defenses" report issued a year earlier. In many places, it uses exactly the same language to describe America's new place in the world.
Recall that PNAC demanded an increase in defense spending to at least 3.8% of GDP. Bush's proposed budget for next year asks for $379 billion in defense spending, almost exactly 3.8% of GDP.
In August of 2002, Defense Policy Board chairman and PNAC member Richard Perle heard a policy briefing from a think tank associated with the Rand Corporation. According to the Washington Post and The Nation, the final slide of this presentation described "Iraq as the tactical pivot, Saudi Arabia as the strategic pivot, and Egypt as the prize" in a war that would purportedly be about ridding the world of Saddam Hussein's weapons. Bush has deployed massive forces into the Mideast region, while simultaneously engaging American forces in the Philippines and playing nuclear chicken with North Korea. Somewhere in all this lurks at least one of the "major theater wars" desired by the September 2000 PNAC report.
Iraq is but the beginning, a pretense for a wider conflict. Donald Kagan, a central member of PNAC, sees America establishing permanent military bases in Iraq after the war. This is purportedly a measure to defend the peace in the Middle East, and to make sure the oil flows. The nations in that region, however, will see this for what it is: a jump-off point for American forces to invade any nation in that region they choose to. The American people, anxiously awaiting some sort of exit plan after America defeats Iraq, will see too late that no exit is planned.
All of the horses are traveling together at speed here. The defense contractors who sup on American tax revenue will be handsomely paid for arming this new American empire. The corporations that own the news media will sell this eternal war at a profit, as viewership goes through the stratosphere when there is combat to be shown. Those within the administration who believe that the defense of Israel is contingent upon laying waste to every possible aggressor in the region will have their dreams fulfilled. The PNAC men who wish for a global Pax Americana at gunpoint will see their plans unfold. Through it all, the bankrollers from the WTO and the IMF will be able to dictate financial terms to the entire planet. This last aspect of the plan is pivotal, and is best described in the newly revised version of Greg Palast's masterpiece, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy."
There will be adverse side effects. The siege mentality average Americans are suffering as they smother behind yards of plastic sheeting and duct tape will increase by orders of magnitude as our aggressions bring forth new terrorist attacks against the homeland. These attacks will require the implementation of the newly drafted Patriot Act II, an augmentation of the previous Act that has profoundly sharper teeth. The sun will set on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The American economy will be ravaged by the need for increased defense spending, and by the aforementioned "constabulary" duties in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Former allies will turn on us. Germany, France and the other nations resisting this Iraq war are fully aware of this game plan. They are not acting out of cowardice or because they love Saddam Hussein, but because they mean to resist this rising American empire, lest they face economic and military serfdom at the hands of George W. Bush. Richard Perle has already stated that France is no longer an American ally.
As the eagle spreads its wings, our rhetoric and their resistance will become more agitated and dangerous.
Many people, of course, will die. They will die from war and from want, from famine and disease. At home, the social fabric will be torn in ways that make the Reagan nightmares of crack addiction, homelessness and AIDS seem tame by comparison.
This is the price to be paid for empire, and the men of PNAC who now control the fate and future of America are more than willing to pay it. For them, the benefits far outweigh the liabilities.
The plan was running smoothly until those two icebergs collided. Millions and millions of ordinary people are making it very difficult for Bush's international allies to keep to the script. PNAC may have designs for the control of the "International Commons" of the Internet, but for now it is the staging ground for a movement that would see empire take a back seat to a wise peace, human rights, equal protection under the law, and the preponderance of a justice that will, if properly applied, do away forever with the anger and hatred that gives birth to terrorism in the first place. Tommaso Palladini of Milan perhaps said it best as he marched with his countrymen in Rome. "You fight terrorism," he said, "by creating more justice in the world."
The People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required. The tide can be stopped, and the men who desire empire by the sword can be thwarted. It has already begun, but it must not cease. These are men of will, and they do not intend to fail.
William Rivers Pitt is a New York Times bestselling author of two books - "War On Iraq" (with Scott Ritter) available now from Context Books, and "The Greatest Sedition is Silence," available in May 2003 from Pluto Press. He teaches high school in Boston, MA. Scott Lowery contributed research to this report.
Click here for other articles on this topic
The People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required.
By William Rivers Pitt
02/25/03 -- - The Project for the New American Century, or PNAC, is a Washington-based think tank created in 1997. Above all else, PNAC desires and demands one thing: The establishment of a global American empire to bend the will of all nations. They chafe at the idea that the United States, the last remaining superpower, does not do more by way of economic and military force to bring the rest of the world under the umbrella of a new socio-economic Pax Americana.
The fundamental essence of PNAC's ideology can be found in a White Paper produced in September of 2000 entitled "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century." In it, PNAC outlines what is required of America to create the global empire they envision. According to PNAC, America must:
* Reposition permanently based forces to Southern Europe, Southeast Asia and the Middle East;
* Modernize U.S. forces, including enhancing our fighter aircraft, submarine and surface fleet capabilities;
* Develop and deploy a global missile defense system, and develop a strategic dominance of space;
* Control the "International Commons" of cyberspace;
* Increase defense spending to a minimum of 3.8 percent of gross domestic product, up from the 3 percent currently spent.
Most ominously, this PNAC document described four "Core Missions" for the American military. The two central requirements are for American forces to "fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars," and to "perform the 'constabulary' duties associated with shaping the security environment in critical regions." Note well that PNAC does not want America to be prepared to fight simultaneous major wars. That is old school. In order to bring this plan to fruition, the military must fight these wars one way or the other to establish American dominance for all to see.
Why is this important? After all, wacky think tanks are a cottage industry in Washington, DC. They are a dime a dozen. In what way does PNAC stand above the other groups that would set American foreign policy if they could? Two events brought PNAC into the mainstream of American government: the disputed election of George W. Bush, and the attacks of September 11th. When Bush assumed the Presidency, the men who created and nurtured the imperial dreams of PNAC became the men who run the Pentagon, the Defense Department and the White House. When the Towers came down, these men saw, at long last, their chance to turn their White Papers into substantive policy.
Vice President Dick Cheney is a founding member of PNAC, along with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Defense Policy Board chairman Richard Perle. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz is the ideological father of the group. Bruce Jackson, a PNAC director, served as a Pentagon official for Ronald Reagan before leaving government service to take a leading position with the weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin.
PNAC is staffed by men who previously served with groups like Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America, which supported America's bloody gamesmanship in Nicaragua and El Salvador, and with groups like The Committee for the Present Danger, which spent years advocating that a nuclear war with the Soviet Union was "winnable."
PNAC has recently given birth to a new group, The Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, which met with National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice in order to formulate a plan to "educate" the American populace about the need for war in Iraq. CLI has funneled millions of taxpayer dollars to support the Iraqi National Congress and the Iraqi heir presumptive, Ahmed Chalabi. Chalabi was sentenced in absentia by a Jordanian court in 1992 to
22 years in prison for bank fraud after the collapse of Petra Bank, which he founded in 1977. Chalabi has not set foot in Iraq since 1956, but his Enron-like business credentials apparently make him a good match for the Bush administration's plans.
PNAC's "Rebuilding America's Defenses" report is the institutionalization of plans and ideologies that have been formulated for decades by the men currently running American government. The PNAC Statement of Principles is signed by Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, as well as by Eliot Abrams, Jeb Bush, Bush's special envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, and many others. William Kristol, famed conservative writer for the Weekly Standard, is also a co-founder of the group. The Weekly Standard is owned by Ruppert Murdoch, who also owns international media giant Fox News.
The desire for these freshly empowered PNAC men to extend American hegemony by force of arms across the globe has been there since day one of the Bush administration, and is in no small part a central reason for the Florida electoral battle in 2000. Note that while many have said that Gore and Bush are ideologically identical, Mr. Gore had no ties whatsoever to the fellows at PNAC. George W. Bush had to win that election by any means necessary, and PNAC signatory Jeb Bush was in the perfect position to ensure the rise to prominence of his fellow imperialists. Desire for such action, however, is by no means translatable into workable policy. Americans enjoy their comforts, but don't cotton to the idea of being some sort of Neo-Rome.
On September 11th, the fellows from PNAC saw a door of opportunity open wide before them, and stormed right through it.
Bush released on September 20th 2001 the "National Security Strategy of the United States of America." It is an ideological match to PNAC's "Rebuilding America's Defenses" report issued a year earlier. In many places, it uses exactly the same language to describe America's new place in the world.
Recall that PNAC demanded an increase in defense spending to at least 3.8% of GDP. Bush's proposed budget for next year asks for $379 billion in defense spending, almost exactly 3.8% of GDP.
In August of 2002, Defense Policy Board chairman and PNAC member Richard Perle heard a policy briefing from a think tank associated with the Rand Corporation. According to the Washington Post and The Nation, the final slide of this presentation described "Iraq as the tactical pivot, Saudi Arabia as the strategic pivot, and Egypt as the prize" in a war that would purportedly be about ridding the world of Saddam Hussein's weapons. Bush has deployed massive forces into the Mideast region, while simultaneously engaging American forces in the Philippines and playing nuclear chicken with North Korea. Somewhere in all this lurks at least one of the "major theater wars" desired by the September 2000 PNAC report.
Iraq is but the beginning, a pretense for a wider conflict. Donald Kagan, a central member of PNAC, sees America establishing permanent military bases in Iraq after the war. This is purportedly a measure to defend the peace in the Middle East, and to make sure the oil flows. The nations in that region, however, will see this for what it is: a jump-off point for American forces to invade any nation in that region they choose to. The American people, anxiously awaiting some sort of exit plan after America defeats Iraq, will see too late that no exit is planned.
All of the horses are traveling together at speed here. The defense contractors who sup on American tax revenue will be handsomely paid for arming this new American empire. The corporations that own the news media will sell this eternal war at a profit, as viewership goes through the stratosphere when there is combat to be shown. Those within the administration who believe that the defense of Israel is contingent upon laying waste to every possible aggressor in the region will have their dreams fulfilled. The PNAC men who wish for a global Pax Americana at gunpoint will see their plans unfold. Through it all, the bankrollers from the WTO and the IMF will be able to dictate financial terms to the entire planet. This last aspect of the plan is pivotal, and is best described in the newly revised version of Greg Palast's masterpiece, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy."
There will be adverse side effects. The siege mentality average Americans are suffering as they smother behind yards of plastic sheeting and duct tape will increase by orders of magnitude as our aggressions bring forth new terrorist attacks against the homeland. These attacks will require the implementation of the newly drafted Patriot Act II, an augmentation of the previous Act that has profoundly sharper teeth. The sun will set on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The American economy will be ravaged by the need for increased defense spending, and by the aforementioned "constabulary" duties in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Former allies will turn on us. Germany, France and the other nations resisting this Iraq war are fully aware of this game plan. They are not acting out of cowardice or because they love Saddam Hussein, but because they mean to resist this rising American empire, lest they face economic and military serfdom at the hands of George W. Bush. Richard Perle has already stated that France is no longer an American ally.
As the eagle spreads its wings, our rhetoric and their resistance will become more agitated and dangerous.
Many people, of course, will die. They will die from war and from want, from famine and disease. At home, the social fabric will be torn in ways that make the Reagan nightmares of crack addiction, homelessness and AIDS seem tame by comparison.
This is the price to be paid for empire, and the men of PNAC who now control the fate and future of America are more than willing to pay it. For them, the benefits far outweigh the liabilities.
The plan was running smoothly until those two icebergs collided. Millions and millions of ordinary people are making it very difficult for Bush's international allies to keep to the script. PNAC may have designs for the control of the "International Commons" of the Internet, but for now it is the staging ground for a movement that would see empire take a back seat to a wise peace, human rights, equal protection under the law, and the preponderance of a justice that will, if properly applied, do away forever with the anger and hatred that gives birth to terrorism in the first place. Tommaso Palladini of Milan perhaps said it best as he marched with his countrymen in Rome. "You fight terrorism," he said, "by creating more justice in the world."
The People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required. The tide can be stopped, and the men who desire empire by the sword can be thwarted. It has already begun, but it must not cease. These are men of will, and they do not intend to fail.
William Rivers Pitt is a New York Times bestselling author of two books - "War On Iraq" (with Scott Ritter) available now from Context Books, and "The Greatest Sedition is Silence," available in May 2003 from Pluto Press. He teaches high school in Boston, MA. Scott Lowery contributed research to this report.
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