Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ali Al Moutaz Shawait, 5 years, shot dead by an Israeli tank in Gaza

I know it's a strong image, but this is the real world and not what they show on TV. This is the barbarism that capitalism daily perpetrated in every corner of the world.
Ali Al Moutaz Shawait, 5 years, shot dead by an Israeli tank in Gaza

Thursday, January 19, 2012

homo sapiens....mmmhhhhh

di questi tempi difficili , le relazioni umane sono completamente sospese, amici, fratelli, sorelle che non rispondono piu' per legami naturali o spontanei, non ci si puo' giustificare per come ci siamo ridotti, la verita' e' che tutto questo    lo abbiam creato noi, non gli animali, non le altre creature di questo (una volta splendido) pianeta ma solo noi , homo sapiens....mmmhhhhh cosa abbiamo in piu' agli animali???...povere creature costrette a subire una rivoluzione di habitat e forse l' estinzione grazie all'uomo.....

property house for rent or sale in bali

property house for rent or sale in bali , people gone crazy to pay price really expensive, there is not a market , anyone can ask what like , so thats is a kind of businees one day will be destroyed.....because there is no logica...everybodys like to be reach in one day without work or spend energy.....

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sculpture by: Zenos Frudakis "Freedom"

Di Haydee Rancel
"The moment you can visualize being free from the things that hold you back, you have indeed begun to set yourself free."---Unknown

Sculpture by: Zenos Frudakis "Freedom"

simple things make you so happy....just a day in the beach

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

bali beach

if people continue to live in

 if people continue to live in indifference, in the superficiality ', in egoism, in the ignorance and then want to comprehend what is happening around us .. so there will be no change .. I hope it happens that so many people of noble spirit and heart, and many ancient scriptures have predicted ..... think continually indulge in materiality.... is 'pure illusion, they are just instants, nothing more than 'this .... live differently in the universal law, makes us happy and peaceful forever .... universal law is meant to make our part in the creation without making any damage to it, mmmhhhh ..... ..... I do not understand, some go to church, temples, mosques ..... but what do they hope to find if inside themselves there is no conscience or respect for the rest of creation?